Good week ahead!:D

Lol we were laughin like crap at Zhao Chuan's music. They're really nice actually. Love the melody and words. But sometimes they get funny, if u know what u mean. See for urself: Lol I duno if the video will be shown here..duno how t upload..hehe..

I'm supposed t b sleeping now, but for some reason I just can't..this is dumb..I seriously am wide awake..There's sch tmr..Not exactly lookin forward to it cuz it's seriously getting boring..Hardly listen t lessons now, just chatting away..Super disrespectful but..K I shall listen tmr. Dun think there's lecture tmr. Lecture theatre's nice, so much nicer than the classroom. Hmm..I hav no idea why I'm feeling so repulsive of sch. I just wana sit somewhere to read my James Herriot and quickly finish it so I can find other vet/animal books. But I know I need my triple science t get into vet science course and I need good results t get a freakin scholarship. I wana get a new jigsaw puzzle. Ok that was random but really, I haven't done one in ages..:( I hav the urge to grab the ones on my wall and reassemble them. Maybe I should heh. But I love the smell of new puzzles:D I wana clear out my wardrobe as well. So many clothes which I don't wear anymore and I haven't done anything to them=.=

Oh yea I went t casuarina today. (is that how u spell it?) Anw it's not very nice I wouldn't go bac again so sry to say..Mummy said she's gona take me to the famous one (I can't rmb what it's called heh). Oh yeah she said the one opp CCAB is nice too. Haven't tried tho. It's so near sch:)

I wana go to MOF again!!! It's freakin nice:D

Lolz time t go..Japanese tmr! It's 3hr15min long. But it's quite enjoyable actually, tho I'm not extremely interested in it as compared to my classmates, partially cuz I'm not good at it..



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