Block Test II

SIAN I made a brainless mistake in math test just now:( It's irritating me a lot cuz IT'S SO BRAINLESS=.=
Anw I'm in no mood for tests. I'm just goin through the process. I try to study but so many things distract me. But I do try my best during the tests. So block test 2 will be a test of my "normal" abilities. Lol but I did revise a bit so it's not really gona be so..

Ytd's physics was like erm i duno how to do..Anw, there's bio later, fyi haha..

I need to sleep earlier cuz my dark eye rings are getting ever more darker:'( Lol my goal of the next few weeks:p

PLUS when i get better from my cough I shall work out cuz the food I'm eating now irks me out and I feel all the oils and fats accumulating..

urgent hw: chinese books reviews!!! I have so many more to do and tho I can cheat I dun wana cuz I think reading is so fun and I dun wana do it just for the sake of handing in my hw.
bio article review which was like due so long ago..
and Chi functional writing which was done when I was away..

And I shall start filing my stuff soon cuz it's piling up all over my floor..

off for test


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