4th Aug

I seriously need to keep track of the date..not for any particular reason but just to know, u know.

Anw NO CHRIS I totally disagree getting my dark eye rings to disappear (I mean sleeping early) is so much more important than my tests haha. It's my health u know. Without health there's no block tests to handle. Oh yay yay CAN'T W8 FOR FRI. U know, I actually watched Inception today. So sry.. But I promise I won't be a movie spoiler:P My classmates wanted to watch only that and I wanted to join them so yeah I'm just gona watch twice, which is still quite worth it:)

Today was a great day, just that I have to do some overdue work..Only finished my sakubun:( which is 1 out of A LOT. But Aiya I'm just slacking and reading my James Herriot book:D And blogging, u can say. haha. I think I should start doin my bio article review after this cuz I should think my teacher's comin to sch tmr for bio lesson so I can't avoid it any longer.. Lots of Japanese stuff too.. And seriously, I NEED TO DO THEM cuz prelims are just around the corner! ARGH! Oh and speaking of 3rd lang, after the lesson today we saw a girl who dropped her thumbdrive into the pavement drain so I jumped down to pick it up. Lol. I think the tear in my skin on my palm was due to that. But I didn't realise it till I got into the shower.

K back to my great day. It was a fantastic day cuz there was only 1 paper which ended at 8.45AM! So as I mentioned earlier, I followed some of my classmates for a movie at bugis:D Then somehow I felt quite happy in Japanese class.. Duno why.. But there were embarrassing parts cuz I didn't do my hw:( But at least I got the ans right for the listening qn sensei asked hehe, tho I didn't say it that loudly, and I wasn't sure at all.. But I still felt quite happy. Mayb cuz it is one of my better days when I can understand at least a little of the listening compre and reading compre. I was reading a little faster too!:D But I know i'm still lousy and seriously need to buck up. Oh yeah and in the lift when I was goin up to my apartment there was this Japanese couple. They were speaking super loud in Japanese. LOL! and I could kinda understand cuz they didn't speak that fast. And the guy was like trying to confirm smth with the lady so he kept repeating the same qn LOL!

Not that many events today actually, but mayb precisely cuz it was quite relaxing so I enjoyed today:P



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