
everyday seems like a working day, cuz i'm leaving the house at 8.45 and reaching home at abt 5+. But I like what i'm doin now. I get to be with dogs and cats the whole day:) I saw lots of terriers including a bull terrier, retrievers, 1 collie:), quite a few stray cats, a pug, a shih tsu, 2 pomeranians etc.. HAHA I'M SO HAPPY. Hmm..I'm wondering whether I should change my guitar class to a tues so that I can go for trng on fri.. Actually I'm not wondering that. I'm wondering whether it's possible.

Gona "beautify" my chi sia ppt now! but first, gota shower.

OMG B the JGS videos are so hilarious! he's so cute.. As in cute cute, not hot cute. I wonder when he'll ever hav a grown up face. haha!

mayb I'll do a bit of matrix and finish up the last part of my chi paper that's totally overdue haha. As in we've alr gone thru e ans, not that we hav to hand in.



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