back from shanghai

finally back in sg! So glad that it's raining today. I was perspiring like mad. Anw I felt like I spent a lot of money in Shanghai yet I bought very few things. it's like most of the trip is shopping time but I duno what nice food to buy. Actually, I dun no WHERE to get good food, rather=.= and I didn't get to go in Japan pavilion:( it's like i nvr went there at all cuz I only went to the Sg, Malaysia, Vietnam and Korean. I think out of all the pavilions Sg's is the nicest cuz at the top level the garden was very cooling and there's the view of Shanghai's roads:) Korea's was a disappointment. I should hav gone to the Japan one first..I didn't even go to any of the western country's:( haiz:( and the tour guide came back 1/2 an hr late. I feel so sad for F cuz she was a few minutes away from the entrance of Japan! TSK!

And on e last day I was so embarrassed cuz I forgot to bring e thank you card frm the hotel=.= sianz..

What I need t do:
1~ LA RnR
2~ MRP
3~ Chi SIA
4~ Bio SIA
5~ IH essay
6~ Japanese hw

Days left: 5

THANKS LOADS TO MY NYSE GRP!!!! I'm really sry I cudn't help out in the proposal writing. It makes me feel a lot better when at least I contributed smth:D SO I REALLY HOPE IT'LL GET THRU!

PS. I love my giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe. giraffe.



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