Trng on Sat. This ball came flying while I was running. Stepped on it JUST when it landed and sprained by ankle. Luckily it's a slight sprain. Now my knee hurts. I hav a STRONG feeling it has something to do with the sprain. Shall not put too much pressure on it. BUT I'VE BEEN OUT WALKING THE WHOLE DAY!

I've been missing so many lessons that I don't even know if there's hw. SO HAHA I CAN'T SAY I MUST DO HW. But I just finished physics SIA. Got an extension till mon morn. HENG...

Fri is my LAST sec sch vb match. GONNA GIVE IT MY BEST! RAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

current homework: LA Panel discussion preparation. Personal Statement.
Chem SIA
Physics as 16.2, 17.1, 17.2. (i think)
Japanese TB HW, Website reflections.

Cool I feel organized. Not really actually...Just doin it for fun=.=
=.= looks cat-like. The font makes it cat-like.

I wanna watch IRIS cuz m and B says it's good. But I'm gonna finish beethoven virus first. Tho I think it's quite maybe that's y i'm taking so long t finish it.

need to clean my nails...y can't it b like JC where they don't conduct spot-checks?

M's coming t Sg tmr so we bought stuff to leave at the shophouse. The room's really nice. It has built in cupboards. The whole wall perpendicular to the door is full of cupboards. WHITE CUPBOARDS! M says the curtains are nice. But they look small for the window. HAHA. Wonder if I'll get to meet M and if I do, how it'll be like. I picture it to be awkward, or rather feel it to be so, cuz I don't know what M looks like...

Dinner's gonna be kimchi with something! I duno what's "something" but I LOVE KIMCHI!:p



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