Oh Wher Oh Where did the...

...school flag go? Oh where oh where did it go?!


I'm about to go off for Japanese Lessons. Hav a bit of free time now so killing it by blogging. Anw I have NAPFA tmr.. 2.4 + 5 items. Sianz...I prefer running during trng than during NAPFA. Hmm..anw I still hate 2.4 after all these years of knowing I still hav to do it no matter what. And that I can get an A. What shall I think of while running? Last year's run wasn't nice:( (But running during trng is actually quite fun. I mean at least better than NAPFA. LOL.) I'm quite lucky actually cuz tmr's PE is the first period so the weather won't be that hot. YAY so mayb that'll make my mood better. And I wonder what will we do during PE.. I think my stamina isn't as good as last year? Cuz I was still doing gym last year. Anw heck care haha. Wonder if anyone else is running with me since 5 items is on the same day.. I hope I can improve my standing broad jump score! :)

We made slime and superball during chem today! My superball got crushed cuz I pressed too hard=.= but I managed to salvage it by adding water and rubbing it and adding ethanol while rubbing it. So yay my superball is still with me. The chemicals are really drying! so if you have sensitive skin better watch out. Put loads of moisturizer!]

Ks goin for Japanese lessons now! BB!



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