It's that time of the year again! IH Blocks! Tho I think this is the first time I'm studying so hard for IH lol..

ANW, let's see how much I can rmb from today's muggin:

Situation- Symptoms of AIDS show only after about 10 years when HIV is contracted. Most people with AIDS live for about 15 more years after AIDS symptoms show
-half of all deaths in South Africa is caused by AIDS
-71% of deaths among those aged between 15 and 49 is caused by AIDS
-1000 people die due to AIDS everyday
-5.5 million out of a population of 48 million are infected with AIDS
-21% of teachers are infected with HIV (eww)
-23% of children under 6 are stunted
-life expectancy in South Africa is 54 years, without AIDS it is estimated to be 64 years
-it is estimated that half of 15 year olds would not live to over 60 years old
-more women seem to be accessing testing for HIV than men
-surveys show that many men find that there is no importance in knowing if they have HIV and even feel that the knowledge would only be a burden
-child (under 5) deaths: 35% AIDS, 30% neonatal, 11% diarrhoea, 6% pneumonia, 5% injuries, 13% others
-blacks infant mortality rates are about 8-10 times higher than white infant mortality rates
-household income drops by 52-67% when a household member falls ill with AIDS, expenditure quadruples while food consumption drops by 41%
-1 in 10 are underweight-->lack food, vitamin A and iodine
-under 5 mortality rate is 59 in 1000 live births in 2007 (2009 report)
-infant mortality rate is 49 in 1000 live births

Policies and Campaigns
-love life, launched in 1999, is the most prominent HIV intervention programme in SA. It targets young people and attempts to use the media to integrate HIV prevention messages into the people's culture. It aims to reduce teenage pregnancy, STIs and HIV amongst the young South Africans. It also operates a number of telephone lines, clinics and youth centres that provide sexual health facilities, as an outreach service that travels to remote rural areas, to reach the young who are not in the education system.
-soul city project (1994), Khomanani campain(2001), Beyond Awareness(1998-2000), all use the media, such as radio, print and television, using dramas and soap operas, to educate the people about AIDS and HIV

Why Policies Don't Work Well
-13% white, 75% black, 3% chinese, 9% mixed racial heritage
-11 official languages, many more dialects
-86% literate

But I still think I'm gona die cuz I've only done this factor!=.= And I still had to refer to notes to help myself rmb...

AHhaha I'm gonna sleep now..
DAGEDA is so nice!



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