It's finally over and done with. I think I'm much more organized this time..and lots more prepared, tho I still couldn't finish. As in there's no conclusion. My "agree" is also very short. Half a page. In total I wrote 2 and 3/4 pages. So u can do ur maths and see how long my "disagree" is. Actually I don't really understand how you can disagree and agree to different extents for a question like: the government has done enough blah blah blah. Unless I got the planning of essays wrong.

Actually it's supposed to be LA now and I'm supposed to find my articles for R&R. But now I have so much time on my hands cuz there's no trng for gym and no vb trng on sat morns. Trng is slack for sec 4s cuz we're not competing anymore and we don't play matches anymore cuz JL wants to do drills. Well it makes sense and it's better anw cuz playing match doesn't really improve anything if you can't spike properly. There's less chances to spike compared to drills (obviously). The thing it trains is team work. But team work is easy. LOL I'm being sarcastic la. Anw the trick is to trust your team mates no matter what. If you feel uneasy abt your team mate somehow the rest will feel it and it'll affect everythin. Even if you don't trust a team mate, that person still has to play so just trust that person. Off court you can do anythin else but on court it's a team playing so just believe in everyone.

Haha...after sch gona hav tuition at N's house. $20/hr. So cheap rite? But good for a student. Soon I can pay for my trip to Shanghai. But of course I'll hope the sch can subsidise a higher percentage so I can keep more money in the bank. K off to do R&R!



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