
P's sad so I'm sad today too.. I'm angry cuz I can't do anything. I don't know what to do about it. I have a feeling of where M wants to stay. Or maybe not, since M ran away b4..

Anw it's LOL that Sg's gonna lower the weightage of chinese in PSLE. It's like Sg's Chi is alr soooo low.. (Not that I'm very good, but Taiwanese Pri sch standard is our JC standard.) It's not true that someone will have more time if he or she doesn't need to worry too much about chi. It's like since u can't cope with the current standard, u can cope with the NEW standard if u study the same way. If the weightage drops, and u yourself put in less effort, isn't the effect of dropping the weightage useless? HAHA it's NOT useless, cuz it'll lower the overall standard of CHI! A bad effect is not useLESS. Back to wat I was saying, dropping the weightage will also breed the thinking that Chi is not that important.

But the good thing about it is that students have no reason to drop it or blame a bad result on Chi. And my bro can continue to take Chi but still be able to take triple science. It's true that it's unfair if someone who's bad at chinese but good at triple science can't do triple science cuz he or she fails chi. BUT then again, Sg chi isn't that high..and triple science ppl need to know how to cope with many commitments in Sec sch cuz when we go up to JC, even taking double science can be quite taxing, from what I heard.

Whatever. I need to buck up on Chinese anyway!

I love sharks. It's so cute that they come up and put their chins on the back of kayaks the way we put our chins on the table when we need to lean on smth for awhile. HAHA OF COURSE I DON'T WANNA B THE ONE ROWING THE KAYAK! Pretty pretty:p

And I still can't believe we got 3rd for 4 by 400m. COOL:) HAHA I'M SO HAPPY!

I think I have developed stage fright. It's like even when I wanna go up I get scared.



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