20% of CA2

Lol I'm crying over spilt milk again. Well, I'm gona flunk SRQ. I KNOW! I just can't stop whining! It's just my form of forgetting it so sorry to the people around me who have to listen to my ramblings. HAHA I sound like someone but I'm not sure if it's her. B I mean. Anw let me ramble on. I couldn't explain for SRQ and my points were all over the place. It's a little like blanking out but not as bad. It's like I don't know if the elderly would really get fired. And it's kinda true that they don't really have other jobs to do since they're quite old and I don't think it's really easy to pick up another skill. But I just said it would lighten their load since they're already overloaded cuz we make them clear our tables. I didn't go on to say "hence their employers wouldn't fire some of them cuz they still have to clean the premises (and toilets haha)". AIYA I didn't how to argue. That's one of the reasons why I stoned.

Anw about the forgetting part, it's really useful cuz when you keep thinking abt something, you get so used to it that u have no feelings for it anymore. Eg. my vb comps. I kept thinking about it (tho nt intentionally) and now I feel ok. Not great but ok and I'm not mentally affected anymore. I was still feeling lathargic and bored with everything last few days. Normally people think if you don't keep thinking about something, that something will be forgotten. It's true as well but sometimes thinking about things will let us gain insights and numb our feelings. Well, if you don't think about something, it may not be forgotten, just dumped somewhere at the back of your head. And that helps to numb our feelings as well. So actually the only difference is the insights you'll gain if you think about it, and the stronger feelings of sadness. So to choose your method of forgetting, weigh the insights and sadness. For me, obviously I choose the "keep thinking about it" way. I don't mind the sadness and I'm used to crying (no la I'm still embarrassed but really, there's nothing too bad about it) in public so I choose to gain insights.

Crap.^^ Lol.

NYAA! I need to do reflections man! Really short ones. Can I just fit in dates or must the dates be in order? I think it doesn't really matter right? It's really the comments of the witness that matter. Reflections are more for ourselves. And in NY I think most ppl care for themselves.

tsk tsk!

The first time I witnessed shoplifting was in Pri Sch when this P6 girl shoplifted from the bookstore and the bookstore lady found out and scolded her in front of all the people in the bookstore. I think I was around P3? She took loads of pens and stuffed them in her pocket. I didn't exactly see her put the pens into her pocket but I saw her take them out when she was caught red handed by the bookstore lady.

Young teachers really live up to their name. Oops that's generalizing. I should say SOME. Anw some young teachers don't know how to give constructive comments. Ok it's FORGIVABLE since there's no constructive version of that comment. It's definitely UNFORGIVABLE that a teacher steals a chance to gain experience from a student. And it is also unfair to students that you expect to get something which you had not asked for earlier. It's even more unforgivable when you do it more than once. C, even you got angry. I'm a very direct person. So what you see on the outside of me is what you'll find inside of me. Please go reflect and not complain to your parents. And how could you make us pay for something that wasn't our fault? Anw at least you knew how to resolve that and it was the last I heard of it since that fateful day.

Ah I feel much better. Blogs are really useful. Go make one. LOL!



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