to B

HAHA I decided to write a post specially to u cuz I think I'm gonna crap a lot and I don't wanna spam ur tagboard:p

FIRSTLY, thx for ur JIAYOUs and confidence in me:p It really helps no matter what.

I think I was watching u're my destiny or smth. Old show but my mom wanted to watch so she bought it and I watched with her..

LOL do u knw my group has t kinda redo our IH SIA cuz our scope is too wide? Haha at least MK's givin us an extension till end of feb:) But it's good in a way cuz I learnt that there's no way to measure smth with such a wide scope, unless there's lots of time:) HAHAHA I FINALLY UNDERSTAND Y SCOPE IS IMPT. I'M SO NOOB... Like for my case we're doin on globalization's impact on India but India has so many states and there are so many industries so it's really not appropriate to compare the general impacts. So generally our report's not specific enough>.<

LOL u like instant noodles? I hate them... If I'm hungry at night i just eat cereal. Not that it's healthier but it tastes nicer to me haha. And it's less trouble. But I know cooking is quite fun too:p

yay my mortal replied me too but she hasn't replied my 2nd letter.

Oh yeah can u take note of the homework when I'm not arnd cuz u know... And collect my worksheets. U can put them under my desk.

Seeya tmr!


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