WOW it's th first day of sch and I'm super high. I must hav been acting like a total idiot this morn cuz of the ecstasy feeling..

Things that I learned on e first day of sch:

1) I hav vb trng on tue as well. This means I can only go for gym trng once a week=.= No choice but to do loads of pt...

2) Comps may strt next week. M I ready? HAHAHAHA... We all know. But what can we do?
Just don't stress out and probably go play during break.

3) recess is staggered, like crazy. Every level has their own break, except on wed. Not affected anw...

These are all e things I recall.

Tmr I'm gonna help out for gym tryouts! that means I'm missing class from 7.45-11 [I think].

I wanna b class monitress or activity rep:p In my 4 years of NY I've nvr taken any class committee position.. But if I can't then too bad:o At least I can try. MT said anyone who doesn't hav a leadership position will hav first priority. And the class may let P stay as monitress since they get extra points. But she's head of her cca so I dun think she'll mind hehe.


P.S I love my christmas present I got from borders ytd.


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