
The Gym B div may not be competing this year. Shan't explain. I'm kinda sad cuz it's my last year to compete in gym comps. But last year's was quite good so I'm still feeling fine. So now I'll concentrate on vb.

Today's the first day of Japanese lessons and the teacher is so cool. It's good that she forces us to use japanese cuz I'm really bad at it and the forcing will give me more chances to speak up. Wow the jump from sec 3 to 4 japanese seems quite big! But I'm really really interested in language now, cuz of my trip to korea where I read loads of korean words. The feeling of being able to read e words and sometimes understand is SOO GREAT. It's like ecstasy. Haha...

Anw I have been missing lessons these few days cuz of CCA exhibition and sec 1 cheering session. I wonder what time e sec 1 cheering comp is on fri. It's probably in e email i received so I'll check tmr.[cuz it's so late now!] I wanted to sleep earlier but was watching this taiwanese drama that my pop always watches. It's really political and cool in a way but I doubt it really happens in real life. Well u nvr know!

Comps may start next week and I will miss MORE lessons...Shan't think abt it now. Take one step at a time...My calves are really aching from tue's pt... I couldn't even straighten my legs.

Oh back to cca exhibition. I'm like the translator cuz some of e sec ones don't know how to say their cca in chi. OH I learned what netball is in chi. =,= haha...What is st john? Oh and e sec ones keep mishearing what my coach asks them. She wanted to know what their pri sch cca was but most of them say they don't know. U know why? cuz the coach speaks chinese and she says 你小学什么cca but they hear it as 你想学什么cca. HAHA then some of them strt listing out their first choices, second choices...

I'm totally incoherent. Now I'm goin back to sec 1 cheering session. We were probably goin too fast so the sec 1s couldn't get the rhythm of e cheers. That means they kept quiet. But the shorter cheers were good. But there was only one short one.[12 words] I can't rmb how we learnt the cheers in sec 1. Can't rmb if e SLs slowed down e first time or we were super.[cuz i rmb we got e rhythm] But I don't think it's really effective to teach them so many cheers cuz until now I can only rmb 1 or 2=.= Hope durin e competition they somehow get it. AND we cheered in the AUDI=.= probably cuz they were taught that they're not supposed to cheer in e audi so they started clapping louder than they were cheering. But there were still some more daring ones. Tho i think a lot less than the previous batches:( tsk tsk...

I'm goin to bed. Goodnight:p


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