CCA trials etc

WOW the first week of sch has passed so fast! Funny I didn't write abt cca trials, or I probably didn't even write this week. Yeah I did write but cca trials hadn't started then. Anw, I went t help out at gym try outs mostly, as a translator. Oh NOW I RMB I did write about it! oh then I shall right about the cheering session. I can rmb most of e cheers now. YAY. wonder when I'll use them again. cuz we'll b quite busy during the competition period so may not b able to go attend other cca's competitions. But we can adapt the cheers for future use, when we're not in NY any more. I'll definitely go back to help out, like for trngs and other stuff. Unless smth crops up and I really can't go.
This batch's sec 1s are quite shy. Normally at the start of sec one when our class is called we'll scream and cheer like crazy. But this year's sec 1s... Some classes do but most don't. Anw I went late for bio class after e sec 1 cheering comp cuz I really forgot that it wasn't our lunch. It was sec 1's lunch~.~ so MT made me write the ans on e board as punishment. Never did she know I LOVE writing on e board. In pri 5 and 6 the teacher always made me write ans from teacher's ans sheet for math daily ws on e board. She knows I like it so she let me haha. Then there was once when I got full marks for some test, everyone started saying that I got full marks cuz I get to see e ans sheets. HAHA:p Too bad I missed class chalet last year cuz of some cca or smth. Can't rmb... Shall w8 for this year's class chalet. Hope I can go!
We had Bel elections and 2 exco members are from 401! COOL HUH! JIAYOU, tho I dun think u guys come t my blog lol=.=
Got some stuff to do this week...Such as physics proposal and Japanese. And not-school stuff.
Went to C's house to cut kidney. Yay I didn't touch it at all cuz C cut it. I told her we could use a plastic bag to protect our hands but she forgot hehe...or she probably didn't hear. Of course the plastic bag isn't needed when someone wants to cook pig's kidney and needs to cut it but this time cuz it's super smelly since I brought it to sch in e morn and it has been out of e fridge till afternoon. Smells like fart... HAHA. C do u dare t eat pig's kidney anymore? I hate the taste anw so it didn't affect me.
Just came back from violin class. Class was good.. Now I hav to do piano fugue analysis. Anyone have fugue pieces to lend me?


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