
TRNG TMR! Oh No...I'm so scared of the beam...more scared of the beam than of the PT... ARGHHHH!!! SCARED SCARED SCARED:( HOW TO CONQUER MY FEAR??? I actually can do it but I'm so I waste a lot of time...not that I want to.. And after I come back from Korea I think I'm gonna be even more afraid:( Doing more is the solution. Yes, but OMG the FEAR!
SEAGAMES is cool... swimming's on TV now. It's so cool that the swimmers can glide so far! Swimming is actually quite tiring if u do it fast enough. When I grow up and stop exercising (vigorous exercise I mean) I shall swim:p U know shopping is good too...but I'll spend a lot of money...and probably not lose a lot of weight:p The reason I'm thinkin abt all these stuff is cause I have a feeling I'll grow fat when I'm older if I don't exercise. My frame is considered quite huge:o Even now, when I'm exercising QUITE vigorously, I still haven't regained the abs I'd lost during the EOY period>:( Evil EOYs...Lol I'm STILL talkin abt EOYs! o.O


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