War & Conflict--> Is conflict / war inevitable?
Science & Technology--> How do we resolve ethical issues brought about by Scientific and Technological advances?
Environment--> What is Man’s role in nature?
Human Rights--> What is society’s responsibility to the individual?
Civic Responsibility--> What is the individual’s role in society?
Education--> What is the aim of education?

And how do we get peer feedback? I can't believe this is such a stupid qn but really, do we really go to sch one day to get the feedback? Or what?

I HAVE NO WHATSOEVER INSPIRATION TO WRITE ANY DAR* ARTICLE... OR RATHER I AM SICK OF THESE TOPICS. CAN'T WE WRITE ABT SWEETER STUFF? JUST STUFF WHICH COMES TO OUR MIND? ALL THE ANSWERS TO THE QNS UP THERE ARE SO REVOLTING. ANIMALS DON'T DO SUCH STUFF. THEY USE THEIR INSTINCTS. BUT ALL BECUZ OF MAN"KIND" SOME HAVE ALR BECOME ZILCH DUE TO UNNATURAL CIRCUMSTANCES. WHAT'S THE USE OF KNOWING ALL THE TECHNOLOGY? I THINK INSTINCTS ARE MUCH COOLER AND SMARTER. PLUS THEY WON'T KILL THINGS UNNATURALLY. WHAT'S THE USE OF MONEY? THE WORLD DOES NOT BELONG TO ANYONE. AND WE'RE TAUGHT TO SHARE RIGHT? SO? ALL ARND US WAS FOOD WHEN WE HADN'T DESTROYED IT. WE ROBBED MOTHER NATURE...we wouldn't even have to care abt war & conflict. Do animals have conflicts that lasted years? We don't have to care abt science & technology. Man will not die out just cuz of some virus. And y do we hav to explore the world when our own home is beautiful and that is where our loved ones are? We should be asking what is nature's role in our lives? Nature keeps us alive, that's what. Y do we hav to think we're so smart and think that we're so impt in the humongous food web? Y do we think we play the biggest role? cuz we're smart enough to kill the whole world? Tho we're all connected, it doesn't mean we can threaten the rest of the web. Without us the food web may still survive but now we're takin so many things away cuz we think we're so impt that we own everything. The web won't survive for that long without the various strands of web. HUMAN RITES? =.= CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY, EDUCATION? seems to me animals are much more educated than us. At least they know they're not supposed to invent cars that produce greenhouse gases and squish their other mates.

But we can't cry over spilt milk. Now how are we gonna make use of the milk carton? throw it away or put more milk in it?

y m i writin this when i'm not doin anythin to help? This comp is usin electricity generated from fossil fuels too. I'm a hypocrite:(...
Still moody~~TTFN:p


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