FOA and the second last day of sch

FOA was quite nice. Indian dance in the morn. Me and Abby got to "perform" in front of our group. Oh b4 that some teachers went on stage to use an iphone app called ocarina. It's an instrument. And you blow into the iphone and press the screen and the sound comes out. They were losin time so E had to tap her foot. ML was tappin too. hehe. Oh and after that was the sec 1 and 2 (i think) malay students' performance. The Indian dance session came after all these. Got to conduct the string ensemble. haha. that was so funny... I made them play really slow...:p But I didn't know they were supposed to get softer but they got softer anyway so I followed them by makin my movements smaller. Lol...OH band played ponyo. SO CUTE!
Lunch was great. Ate i scream ice-cream and drank milo from the milo truck:)
After lunch Mr Royston Tan came to our sch to talk to us about film makin. Quite interesting. He showed us 3 films. Liked th first one best. It's abt this toilet cleaner's life durin the SARS period:p
Today we had beach clean up. =.=lll Anyway we took quite a few pics or in other words cam-whored. A used th colour accent special effect so only the yellow parts, which are our shirts, could be seen. Everythin else was grey. The class photo, with quite a few peeps missing, was like a photo of a huge team of soccer players. Then back in sch we took more photos. They were SOO retarded. A may upload them on fb. OMG LOL!
OH NO. And what are we gonna do for sec 4 grad party?! Hope no one booked J's condo's function room!!! haiz...
And why am I so forgetful nowadays? Left my lib book in sch ytd. And today, my shoe bag! :(


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