First day of hol trng

What a mess... Chairs and Tables everywhere. Dusty, no space at all. Sch. What's this? O levels preparation. SO NO PLACE FOR US TO TRAIN! Hmm..some ppl just nvr think of the indirect planning but only the straightforward stuff. And the person was only coming at 11 to check the place. And what was the time? Arnd 8am. PLUS we said we were gonna do it for them. Yes we may have a lot of ppl, but physical skills can't improve overnight while knowledge can. If knowledge can't, why could some singapore girl who came from Japan in P6 thus was so bad in chinese that she failed and the teacher even said she was hopeless be a top scorer in PSLE? Cuz she put her whole heart into it. But we only have less than two months to train. And we stopped training during EOYs. No matter how much heart we put into it, we'll still be lousy. We wanna win but how are we goin to without our "family" support? less than 2 months is NOT enough. We can be as confident as we want but we'll always miss the finishing point by a snail's foot. How much time is put in just to get the skill? How much time put in just to get used to the ball? How much time put in just to get used to the court? This is really exploitation. All the effort and no reward.
Anw we went down to train skills in the netball court. Can you believe how we trained spiking? Against the big green fence. =.=lll
Then we went for pt.
After training we went for lunch. I CAN'T believe I forgot to bring my purse:(:(:( Spent 3.65 just on transport...what a waste. But lunch was not bad. Just that I had an ulcer:( Hiyashi ramen is quite nice if you want a cold meal. C got cold stuff as well. Shochiya I think. haha. but she got chawanmushi too. So Hot plus cold is nice and old. lol i didn't mean to use old but it was the first and last word to come to my mind. Well it doesn't make sense anyway so who cares? C wanted to get gummies for her Gcp trip so we went to millenia walk. We got there after a really long walk. Even went on the roof top of the building when we were supposed to go all the way down and walk across the road to the next building. Haha at least that served as a " 'map'-viewing area" so that we realized the place we wanted to go to was just next door. I wished I owned a place like candy empire. So neat, colourful and full of candy!
Went home afterwards. Bus uncle thought I was from Ngee Ann poly [=0] but luckily he let me board the bus when i only paid 55* cents;P =@
P.s ~I can't stop listening to Aerosmith...


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