
I got the 1st quote from a newbery medal winning book, Shiloh, by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor.
>>> Dara Lynn don't know who ate the ear off her candy rabbit and I don't know who did it, but Jesus knows. And right this very minute Jesus is looking down with the saddest eyes on the person who ate that chocolate. The Bible says that the worst thing that can ever possibly happen to us is to be separated forever from God's love.<<<

It's about this boy, Marty, who ate his sis' chocolate rabbit's ear and lied that he didn't. And that's his mom talking to him.
i like the quote not cos of what his mom said (ya the quote), but what happened afterwards:
>>>I just swallowed and didn't say anything. But before I went to bed, when Ma asked me again about that rabbit, I gulped and said yes, and she made me get down on my knees and ask God's forgiveness, which wasn't so bad. i honestly felt better afterward. But then she said that Jesus wanted me to go in the next room and tell Dara Lynn what I'd done, and Dara Lynn had a fit all over again. Threw a box of Crayolas at me and could have broke my nose. Called me a rotten, greedy pig. If THAT made Jesus sad, Ma never said.<<<

The "quote" was really nice. But it was what that happened after that made me happy cos it's how the boy reacted, which was so innocent and real. And the last sentence is quite funny, to me:p

The next quote is from a chinese book so yup, I'm gonna write in chinese from now onwards:) 书名是《我不是聪明女生》,作者是董晓磊。


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