After EOYs (part 1)

Ok maybe it would sound nicer if it's "After part 1 of Eoys".
I don't really have a good feeling of this time's exams...LOL, maybe cos I didn't really study...Actually I did but everytime I don't finish. Aww man and I didn't finish my IH paper and of course (as in I'm not sure if I mentioned on a previous post) my chinese compo neither...N E way, I will just learn from all the mistakes I made during the exams...Cos it shows the things that I missed thinking about and when we remember we have to think about the parts where we had made mistakes in, we would prevent ourselves from making the same mistakes. The thing is, I feel that the older I grow, the harder it is to think about all the things that I forgot to think about. It's like I've become lazy and impatient so I wanna learn new things and just move on after understanding it and be able to apply it, regardless of careless mistakes.
Now, languages and IH mean more to me, not math and science, even when I currently want to be a doctor but I'm not sure what speciality;) Languages and IH are SOOO cool. It's like there are so many meanings to one word so if we don't make sure that there are no ambiguities in what we say, evil people may just "put words into our mouths" and malign us:( So the best way is to isolate ourselves so that we can't meet evil ppl or don't say anything for the rest of our lives or learn how to not say ambiguous things or learn the art of denying. WOW there are so MANY WAY_:p
OK maybe another "resolution" for next year: start studying earlier. Ya cos as I mentioned earlier I always don't finish. I think it's ok to slack this year:p
Muahahahaha...But it's like i don't think I'm slacking but is not studying for math not slacking? And the reason I say this is because I don't get really high marks even when I don't slack...:(((wahhh... And I think I'm really dumb cos I need to study HARD to get high marks, instead of not studying and still getting high marks. Nvm as long as I get everything:p You know, what I'm doing now is just complaining and making myself think that the bad things that are happening now are actually not soo bad as they don't really mean that much in life. I'm making myself think in a 塞翁失马,焉知非福 way. LOL that's how my mom thinks when bad things happen:) Heeeeeheeee. You, know, B is really encouraging and funny that I think I'm SOOOOO irritating when I keep telling her how sad I am cos of my test incidents. But I think I'm not that sad after all after writing all my thoughts here:)) Yup this really makes me think clearly about what I really should worry about and what I shouldn't. There are always "near-failures" (or some may actually just be the pessimist in our heads telling us that we have failed) in life. Just need to try harder next time!
Actually it's really cool to have a hard copy diary! As in the feeling of holding a book that is real, I mean not virtual (obviously), and reading what I've written, looking at all my thoughts, is really really PRETTY cool! But I shall be "considerate" and spare a thought for Mother Nature and her enormous broccoli:))))


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