Humans like jumping to conclusions. It's like an optical illusion. Since the brain remembers seeing the image of a certain object b4, thus when we see somethin that looks like the image, the brain thinks it is the object but actually it's not. Cool in a way but not cool in a way too. Next, humans are also ego. I'm SUPER ego haha. I must be right all the time. lol. But that's ok since we want to improve etc etc. But sometimes we don't have to say it right out loud about who's right and who's wrong. I don't believe in exact answers even tho I love math. Even pluto isn't a planet. Well haha it is in a way but there's a dwarf living on it:p Anything can change with time. But being perfect is another thing. I should say near perfect. So long as we have high expectations of ourselves, we don't have to care who's right or who's wrong. Just so long as we know who to look up to and have a brain of our own. O....