
Went to Korkor's house today. Played chinese chess with my bro with robi as the canon. You know what Robi can do? She can KIM KIM KUAH and Jump! It's really really cute. If I can ever bring Robi out and show yall or bring yall to my house I would! But the mood is always wrong so I can't show:p LOL.
Anyway it's really funny that I didn't blog for so long. Well, at least to me it's funny. That's cos I normally would still blog if other ppl aren't. And ppl aren't bloggin cos EOYs are coming. 301 is totally diff from 209/109. At least most of 209/109 ppl aren't that similar. It's like this year so many ppl are panicking compared to previous years. Ok maybe not panicking but they talk a lot about EOYs. Or mayb it's just the ppl who sit around me or come to the ppl around me:p I guess both environments are good in their own ways? One will make you know your standard and nine will make you realize the fun in things we do. But 301 is also quite fun but not as crazy as 109'07. Crazy in a good way:0
Anyway back to the main pt. When ppl are studying for EOYs, it means ppl don't read blogs either and spend less time on the Internet. When that happens, we don't have the incentive to blog cos we kinda think that there won't be ppl coming to read our blogs. Maybe I'm the kind who want attention. That's y I feel this way...wateva...But don't YOU feel good by making other ppl laugh or feel the way they should when you intend to do it?
K was beaten by my bro in just a few steps so he threw a tantrum. But he anyhow moved so I don't really get why he's so upset. Robi beat my bro but she was kinda playing a fool.
Then after all those we went to granny's house. She's not well and she asked me to call her MA instead of maMA. She got quite angry cos of a few things she "saw"/"experienced"/"heard". Lol but she asked me why I had so many moles.:p


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