To B

Ok B, about the icon thingy, my friend made me do it:p Are you using the latest version? If you're not maybe that's y you don't see it bigger. I don't see it bigger on mine either (I've added myself so I can see it=.=) and maybe it's because the mac version doesn't allow that effect to be shown? Haha anw I asked my friend if she was seeking attention by making her icon big. Anw if everyone's icon becomes bigger there wouldn't be any attention to be sought since they're all the same size:p So I've concluded she's not seeking attention cuz she asked me to enlarge my icon. Haha can you imagine if everyone's icon is big but there's one very small, then we can say that person is acting cute. Hahahaha...
And YOU're VERY funny... I said we should spend more time playing then you AGREED but within the same breath you said you think you should spend ALL your time studying. How come you don't see the girl turning clockwise? hahah. Ok enough with that spinning girl. I think it's a hypnotizer cuz I'm obsessed with it. But don't you think it's cool since we can see it turning both ways yet the thumb can only point one direction so there should be one genuine direction? But I find the feet funny cause when I saw it turning clockwise it was spinning on the ball of her foot. I didn't notice the feet when it turned anti-clockwise so I don't know if it spins on her ball for both.
And I don't think you need to study. Can I ask you a qn? How do you study? Just read, understand and memorize? haha...
ok TTFN! 
p.s. lol you forgot where you had seen/heard of "TTFN"? haha I think I do that too, if it's a real long time ago:p
It's from winnie the pooh btw. Tigger says it all the time:p


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