Shorty pants says...

You think you're very tall?
So you think you can hunch or else everyone else is shorter and it means you're looking down on US?
Don't forget that there are always people better than you, taller that you to look up to. 
If you degrade yourself no matter how you look up you still won't be able to look at them in the eyes.
That's cuz the neck is horizontal after you hunch and that will limit your neck from looking any higher.
If you can't look any higher obviously you won't be able to see people of a certain height and above straight in the eyes and that means disrespect.
If you disrespect someone y would that person wanna talk to you?
And if you don't talk to them how are we gonna learn from those ppl if you can't be used as the communication tool?
There will be a big gap between US and them and that's bad.
Anyway don't hunch because we don't need your pity.
And even if we shorty pants can look up to those ppl by not hunching, the distance is still too far.
Their faces will only be silhouettes and if we shorty pants can't see the person's face clearly how are we gonna be able to use their expressions to match their words?
Giraffes, don't deprive us of knowledge.


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