
I'm so glad cos I've been wanting to do so since the last hol but I was too lazy to:p But notice why I didn't use the word "clean"? Cos I haven't cleaned it obviously, you fool. haha. JKJK... Can you imagine how much dust there is on my ledge!!! How long on earth have I not cleaned it??? I can't even rmb... And that's really bad. Luckily there aren't any dead insects tucked away behind curtains and under my display cases. Haha nah just tryin to freak you out. Anyway I've added a new art piece to my room. It's made of 2 umbrellas and 2 pairs of really long wooden chopsticks and a smiley face stress ball and a bangle and a cute little smiley face bottle of red bubble solution. Oh actually I added 2 art pieces. There's one more coming up but I haven't really got the time to do it haha there's a pun cos I'm using a pic from time mag and it's really cute just that the paper's really thin. I dun really call it an artwork cos I don't think it's very nice. It's just cute. It's not nice cos I'm comparing it to those in nat geog. OMG........:)......Now that's drool.....
It's the 3rd last day of the hols. Actually 3 days is really long cos we can go overseas and all. But I haven't done my 2 zuowens and I'm planning to use my sun for smth else so I better get to work today! Heehee. But today's not good cos I'm goin out after dinner cos someone's coming to check the house out. But I don't feel like moving this year cos I'm quite attached to my room:( If we move I've gotta do everything all over again! But moving is good too cos I'll be able to find all the things I nvr knew I had or I had lost for a long long time or I thought I had thrown away. O.o... M's not going to the shophouse after all, unless he quarrels with his m again. My classmates were like so shocked I have a half bro. But to me it's so normal I don't feel a thing. It's not anything to be ashamed of anw. But I've not seen him for a long long time. It feels weird to have my cousins knowing him better than I do. Guess they know him a LOT better cos they didn't offer the upstairs so they knew that he's you know...

And my previous emo posts weren't cos of M. :p
oh cheryl made me make my icon on msn bigger. Lol... But I can't see [the effect] on my mac. 

Oh my rooms a lot neater now! Just need to dust the place up. but not b4 I sleep or the floating dirt will be inspired by my lungs. hahaha.

Ok that's all for my daily dose of Blogger!



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