
I kinda miss my ex-class. They're both similar in a way but there are also stark differences. I think I didn't get to know some of my friends as well as I now think I should have. And I'm out of HMP now and we're all in different classes. Even though we're still in the same school, the school is big so it's tough to get back tgt and talk... See every time I don't do something I regret. And time passes so quickly it's sad that i have to regret. Unlike Freddie Mercury who died of AIDS. At least he did what he wanted to do. Sing, be crazy on stage and do funny stuff.
Well, we can use ALL our time to study. But we need contacts or else how many frens can we have? We need fun since we're humans. And without contacts how are we gonna have fun? Yeah, unless we're some zi lian kuang and can zi high. Lol...And normally the best frens we can have is in sec sch where we don't have to study too hard if we're in IP prog. The rest of the so-called friends made during other times may just grab your bf. Or leave u in the lurch for her bf. Hahaha...
And seniors are really fun to go out with. REALLY REALLY FUN! So creative and crazy and fun-loving. I really wouldn't know how much I was missing out on if I hadn't met them or gone out with them.
Let's be more daring:) TTFN

PS. I like this sentence from UP: "It is funny because the squirrel gets dead," by dog.


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