OMG! How did u know it's tatafornow?! LOL I'm over-reacting haha. Need to stick to my title/theme:p Did u watch winnie the pooh? or u checked it up the net? Oh and today I keep seeing the girl turning clockwise. Funny......

OMG! What has Sg become? Holidays=study like nutz/if you don't study be guilt-ridden for a long long time.
I've fallen sick so most of my hols was slack and I can't go for CCA, which to me is a BAD THING! But the 'slack' part isn't a bad thing:p That's how hols should be ain't they? Even though EOYs are coming, I think we should still have FUN during any hol. We live this life only once right? And anyway school is almost the whole of life. 所谓活到老,学到老。And we do learn loads from playing:) That's how we grew up right? And we learnt stuff the fastest then right? We couldn't have been studying when we were babies right? I guess there are babies studying out there...There are baby books everywhere and all. But those baby books are SO CUTE it's a joy to read them! or feel/ squeeze them... Now I think I'm wrong. OK unread everything up there^^^
OK maybe there IS a reason why I said all those stuff. OK we can all read it again. But learning is actually a really fun thing, if we do it the right way and everyone has their own "right way". Arguing with one's self is really fun for me. And reading aloud in funny accents tho for me that's just being funny and it doesn't help me at all. And visualizing while reading aloud. Ahh that's better. But the best is that when we've got all the knowledge we now have, we can then use it to solve woooooo problems, not tb-based probs. Sch-based probs are not bad. More complicated and fun and no fixed answer. Yup even science has no fixed answer. Science itself is a mystery. Living is a mystery. I feel so weird! It's like how come I'm even here. I can understand why ppl from long long ago and some ppl of today think we have souls and spirits etc. It's a weird feeling to live, to be able to feel, to be able to think and do funny things. Oooohh zen zen zen... Studying is good cuz it makes us rmb. It's a good way to rmb things. As in go to sch. We learn all sorts of funny ways to rmb stuff. Stuff like evidence, history, language, things that we don't even know we remember. 

I think I know why I said those stuff up up there. Cos quite a few ppl can't even play properly. That's slack. It's like there's nothing to do with life we just sit there like a couch potato/rot/fester... But I don't think I know anyone who's at that level. Even watching TV is not slacking. And there's a comp. Oh That's more like slacking instead of the other way round. As in I actually thought that with the comp it's better than watching TV cos there's always smth to do with the comp. Now I feel it's the other way round. cos The TV is a very cool invention. Even those programmes using languages we don't understand can be interpreted ourselves by looking at the characters' actions, meaning we add our own subtitles. OH MY we should try that one day it's really really fun! My cousins introduced it to me. They're so cool...

Anyway we need to be more creative!!! Our lives must be spiced up!!! Yay!!! And we mustn't only memorize notes. Must understand and be skeptical. Aw man I don't even know what I'm talking about. Can't be like that ok? Huh? Lol...


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