me versus u

During LA ytd, we discussed, or rather the teacher and the group which did the particular question told us, about the ways the young generation offend their elders. There was one particular point that I strongly disagreed with, which is that in big companies, the younger employees offend the bosses (supposedly older by a generation or more) by speaking up about their ideas. I don't think in a company there is a gap between the generations cos it's not cos of the generation that causes the offense, but the motives of all the individuals in the company which make the diff. And the one with the biggest power comes out with the ideas which will support the one's motive. Thus it's not that they wanna show that they are the ones who should have power (most of the time the boss is older than the employee that just joined) but that they alr have the power and they use it. In the process, any idea that they think is not gonna support their motive shall be put off.

I think playing my violin makes me sadder when I'm alr sad. I can't believe it has alr been 3 yrs!


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