Fine Arts

Oh my I'm watching a concert on TV today. Ytd I watched ballet on TV (Manon) and "(There's a name for this in another language but I can't rmb:()" Spirit of the rose. Both were really really really good. The production is SOOOOO good. It's like I think anyone who watches it will cry. Manon I mean. Cos the girl left for I duno what so the guy was very sad. It's like acting cos of the facial expressions. My dad says that it's really hard and not many ppl can dance it well. Well, this one was extremely good...So much feelings. And the mvts are so clean and light. The guy made it look so easy. He was so lose<--that's good cos it's the opposite of stiff, so it's really comfortable watching it. The concert I'm watching now is also very nice, but I don't know the name. I like it when the strings crescendo. But the conductor looks like he's in spasm:p He has burnt spaghetti hair. But he looks like he's havin a lot of fun. I think the effects of the piece were really brought out. It's like Tom and Jerry, Tom chasing Jerry and at the end Tom smashes into the wall and Jerry runs into the hole. Can't sleep in that! O.O
On Fri we an SIL on bilingual debate and there was an example. It was funny at first when the second speaker started talking in a different language. Can you imagine one side of the brain is shivering with electricity then suddenly that electricity is transferred to the other side of the brain. And you can feel the jerk which eventually triggers the squarepants laughter sensor[=.=]. The question was smth like "are fine arts lessons in secondary school a waste of time?" I sided with the opposition cos they said if we didn't have fine art lessons in sec sch then some ppl would be deprived of the exposure to fine arts. If we didn't have such classes then we may never have the chance, or the chance may be too late, to realize we were gifted in some area of fine arts. However proposition team won. First speaker is very impt cos it's the first impression of the team. She gave me a not-so-good impression of their team. She said that learning fine arts in sec sch will compromise time for our other studies and that there will be more stress imposed on the students. What has that got to do with wasting time? What does wasting time mean? Doesn't it mean doing smth for nothing? And is fine arts nothin? hmm...And the team also said that if  the student is really interested in smth then she can learn it outside. Isn't that contradicting their first pt? But the 2nd pt is correct. But sch is needed sometimes to expose a student to fine arts. Some of my frens and I had even done a survey before and found that many students are interested in music. But shouldn't they b exposed to different kinds of instruments to realize what they like? And sometimes interest must be nurtured and the time spent in sec sch fine arts lessons will do the nurturing. How much fine arts do we learn in pri sch? Just art...And how much out of "just art"? Just the drawing part. So how can learning fine arts in sec sch be a waste of time, according to proposition team? BUT we could all see that prop team was leading the whole thing but both teams were kinda elaborating on their own pts. Mayb that's cos opp team wanted to rebut prop team but they were confused cos prop team wasn't really on pt. So the whole thing was kinda weird. Lol...But the teachers said the debate was of a Very High Standard. 
I like ytd's movie about shark boy and lava girl. Both characters are dreams of Max, the main character. And Linus is the antagonist. Linus said smth that the teacher thought was really stupid but it's actually the answer to the prob and Max could tell it's the best ans ever.


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