Catching up

Wow it's fun knowing so much vocab and information! Last time in primary sch, I didn't even know what suicide is. How "suagu" lol. But I think I'm more exposed than most ppl are. (Or maybe I'm so "suagu" that I THINK I'm quite exposed to the outside world but actually I'm not. Ha getting a scholarship to go overseas would definitely change all that!) Anyway I caught up (but there's still quite a long way for my chinese, esp when there're PRCs arnd. Ppl may think it's impossible to beat a PRC in Chinese but dreams do come true so why not have this dream!) and I'm gonna overtake.
I just came back from the doctors and H was tickled when he saw me with a mask. It's green so I look like some monster dentist from MM. [heehee] Oh I can't wait for the next hols. Cos no one wants to go out now and I'm sick anyway so I can only wait till then. Gona PARTEEEEYYYY! Oh but we still have to w8 for gcp. But I guess that should be fun! Oh I can't w8!!! The medication I just ate is supposed to make me drowsy but I'm super high now! YAYYY!!! Lol...
My cough is very much suppressed but I know it'll come again in the morn and I'll have to take med. But night has alw been a good time for me. But that's bad since EOYs are coming and we're supposed to peak in the morn. But I guess I'm quite adaptable! Just think that Exams are FUN and they'll b over in no time! Not that I'll miss it when it's over. And when we're abt to get back our results it's both exciting and nerve-wracking, for me:p K that's all for now, TTFN!

ps I just felt like writing everything in one chunk:p YAY!


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