
Hahahahahhahahahahaha. I went out with B today to study after a really bad day at sch...So it shows that the day isn't so bad after all cos there's always something that goes in the opposite direction, in this case, the "good part of the day". It felt bad cos everything happened all at once. But it felt even better cos all the good things happened at once too. I'm so happy I'm in this class:p<3<3<3<3!<---that's>We pissed off quite a lot of ppl in the lib today cos we were soooooo noisy. Next time if it's possible we should go to someone's house so that we don't have to be so restrained. Lol It's like so many of my posts hav B in it. :)))))<----that's what she does but more:p
Oh and we talked abt zhuangzi too. But zhuangzi won't work in today's world cos he's not very logical at times, for example the fish story, and ppl are more curious and critical nowadays so they would come listen and assess the logicality. It's not whether u win or lose by making the other person confused that's impt. It's whether the audience thinks what you say is logical or not that matters. Oh I was telling th story in chinese so I made myself confused at times and that made us burst into laughter cos it's so dumb.
Oh on mon i have to do the physics experiment again. hope there's physics! Y do physics teachers look so tired?
+i hav oral on mon!!!argh!!!!!!scared scared scared:x
Oh I forgot, we talked abt SE this morn during PCCG. I'm still against e idea of staying with a guy I'm not married to (fathers and brothers don't count as guys.bleh). So what if we think we love each other? So what if we think we'll be loyal to each other? What's wrong with getting married? Like I said, it's a celebration, celebrating the getting together and the willingness to trust each other wholeheartedly. No one should be scared. And if one's not scared but doesn't wanna get married, what sense is there? If they're not scared, then what's the harm in getting married? What's wrong with getting married? Waste of money? how abt a simple one? The point of "necessity" does not even come in. If it's not necessary, so isn't sex. Ppl can still live without it. A volleyball match without cheering can still go on. And the players can still win. A marriage doesn't have to be necessary for ppl who wanna get married. In other words, ppl can get married even when they feel it's not necessary. They just feel happy about the time they wanna entrust their lives into another person's hands. And that's why they celebrate by getting married. And it's cos there's this law that allows them to celebrate and get recognized at the same time so they do it. Anw, I think that marriage is NOT necessary but there is no harm in getting married so I don't see why ppl don't wanna celebrate when they can. Too lazy? No money I think I can understand:p necessity has nothing much to do with this. Yup ppl should get married b4 they bunk in.


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