
Oh man I really don't feel like blogging. There are some things other than bloggin' in life (that make me so bored about writing.) I like writing actually, and I'm getting that 'high' feeling now that I've started. Just that when I'm thinking about it, I don't feel like doing it. Or rather, I don't wanna spill that many beans onto the spider's web. It gets stuck there for life you know=.=
Ok today was a great day. But not a good bowling day for me:'( <--yeah I really did that. WOW I really have to stop doing that! It's over my time!
M nvr knew I was that crazy! Can you believe that? Wow... She's the one who's crazy lol. Or else why would I be? I was always like that. Lol I'm not fuming. Even if I were it wouldn't be becos she doesn't approve of it. [lol yeah cos she does...] It's really funny cos I don't think no one noes nothing about what I'm talking 'bout. [except her:] hehehe. Anyway it's fun to entertain ppl esp when I hear her laugh:)
I wonder if I'm l or b. nah can't be... it's just a coincidence. Tiramisu time! I need to borrow $$ first>.<


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