back to bloggin'

Haven't been bloggin cos I was (and still) engrossed in this new drama series. I can't say too much about it cos there's loads of 'F' and 'SX'. But that's not the pt. It's good cos I got to know more about "such people's" lives even tho they're a bit exaggerated. I especially like this guy Chris in the show but he died cos of some illness and blood and yellow fluid oozed everywhere onto his bed. REALly sad then cos I alr had feelings for the character and he's really unique. He actually turned from wild to tamed after he had this crush on his teacher and I think he realized it was nicer to stick to one person. Anyway I loved the way J acted. He's really really good.
WOW~ Cassie
So I'm back cos MT just returned our compo papers and I'm really happy with the grades. I was actually really worried about it after the test cos I thought I either went off pt or was incoherent. But yea I guess I hav to give the credit to this platform. And maybe cos I had been reading Time. 
I really don't know if I'll be comin back often, cos of my drama series:p But I'll try. 1. cos I like writin. 2. cos it makes me write better.
Lastly I think I wanna go to UK for Uni. Maybe not on a scholarship cos of the bond. Not that I won't give back to Singapore, just that I wanna do stuff there instead of here, that is, if i ever get to do it...
GO D!!!


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