
hehe I'm tryin out a new font! But actually I don't like such rounded fonts. ARGH! Change... Hmm...Hmm...Hmm...Ok this is cool for blogs! Urges. Whims. Shoppin'. That's what we did yesterday though we didn't buy anything. But we ate cheesecake at bakerzin. There was 50% off. I realized that they'll have a different flavour every month with the 50% discount, I think. Oh Em Gee... Urges to eat are really cool. They can decide things for you really easy and you won't regret it if the shop is right. (I wanted to say smth but I decided I wouldn't be mean)
Another urge I just had was to write about ytd but now there's no urge so I've decided not to. Yay I finished my IH part. Urges to do homework are just GREAT. Now, after writing so much in this font, I realize how spacious it is here and I HATE it. Times is boring... Oooo... Shall just change the size (and colour). (Eh why is georgia the same as courier?) Hehe the urge: `1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+qwertyuiopQWE R TYUIOPasdfghjklA S D F G H J KLzxcvbnmZXCVBNM[]\;',./{}|:"<>?. Mmmm some are so nice! What an "urgeful" day! {look at my EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!} Not that I'm that happy or high...HEY now I hav the urge to do my reflections for MP attachment and OBS! Hav to go now b4 the urge is gone!


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