Up Up And AWAY!

K no i'm not going anywhere "up". But I'll be away from next mon-fri cos of OBS... I'll miss my soft toys:) today I watched night at the museum 2 but it was ok...haha I learnt that Amelia earhart flew across the Atlantic. the ppl in the movie kept thinking it was the pacific that she flew across. And the middle of pascal's triangle(the pyramid) is pi. After eating shilin for lunch we kinda rushed back home cos I had violin lesson. Rested on the bed for awhile and ended up sleeping till 4 plus...oops I did it again...but really, I was really tired... 40min late for violin class! I kinda dun feel as if I'm making music anymore...just noise...:( I'm havin muscle aches and I think it's making me tired as well...the following week will be the start of VB trng...I'm not even enthu abt it cos there may not even b ppl to help us train...I wonder how the previous sec 4 seniors(when I was in sec2) trained without much ppl. Not fun at all...k I'd better start packin for OBS...


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