MP attachment

Today was the first day of our MP attachment. Though we were only supposed to start tomorrow, we were asked to start today with the house-to-house meeting. It was quite fun, especially with frens, but I couldn't hear what Mrs Yu-Foo Yee Shoon said in the units. Thus the rest of her team told us about what she said and what she was gonna say. It was about the issue of the lack of lifts at every level and about the selling of units, also related to lifts since the value of the unit rises when there is a lift. I also learnt that the value of HDBs don't really rise or drop despite the recession. After the visits we helped with the buffet at the coffee shop and we ate our lunch there. 
Actually LJS's breakfast is quite tasty. I had their french toast set, before my attachment, with B. B only had coffee. 
After the attachment we went window shopping. I didn't see anything I liked tho. We were at city hall so we ate yoguru. OMG that was great! Then I wanted to take bus home. We sat there for around half an hour? I was like dozing off and nodding right, left. Then I woke up and B said, "OH, I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING." You know what? The bus service doesn't operate on Sundays nor public holidays. So funny.
Went home and realized I forgot to bring my key out so I went out for dinner on my own. By the time my parents came to pick me up, I finished my dinner and was walking arnd in NTUC and guess what, I saw Shi Xian and her sister and mom. She told me she may not be goin to NY:(:(:( And FINALLY got back home.


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