
I think that's what humans are meant to do. Humans are naturally judgmental thought schs are telling us we can be nonjudgmental. But in our hearts I think we know what we like and dislike. Anyway I personally feel criticism is how the world improves and develops. One of my favourite critics is Simon Cowell. He's straight to the point and frank and that's what I think is most important. However the down side of criticism i that people may get really angry and hunt down that critic. If it's only a little tantrum, criticism come all you want! But we don't want things to get messy do we? So the chinese always say "fan ke yi luan chi, hua bu ke yi luan shuo". I would love it if the world were as harmless as a baby or if everyone were as liberal as could be and accepting to opinions. 
But in reality where do such nice things come in? Haha ironically I'm talking about myself. I'll throw my tantrum if I get criticised. But whether I'll listen it would depend on the critic. Today I have decided to listen to that critic and I hope something rewarding would come out of it.


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