One more

Which is Bio...
Haiz...I'd better buck up...At the same time, leave some reserve:p Must pace well. It works.
So funny...There was supposed to BIO SPA today but we got kicked out of the lab. Heard someone say cos there weren't enough test tubes. Then MT said that there were 2 classes, one each from sec 2 and 3, havin their SPA simultaneously. So Bio quiz took its place. And because of that, I realised that my concepts are TOTALLY wrong. Cheatin' my feelin's man... Not that my concepts are wrong, just that I recalled wrongly. Hmph!
And I realised that IH isn't that hard since one mark is alr 4%. Just reach a specific level and you can't fall back down. Too bad that I didn't notice that earlier b4 the test.
I have a feeling I'm one of the lowest scorers for this time's Japanese common test:( one section was completely gone...and it was the easiest section with all the answers staring back at u, just that they're camouflaged, somewhere among the other characters. [=.=]
Y am I complaining??? hmph...
Tmr's my student's math test...Must do well!!! She's SO careless...e.g. 15x18=90


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