One more week to OBS

Don't really look forward to it anymore. Had panel discussion today. It was quite fun. Just that sometimes it's hard to understand unless you read up on the topic really well. Maybe I wasn't well read enough? But I think I did O.K. Oh I forgot to state the topic: Should scientific human experimentation be allowed? I was on the proposition side. But it was just a panel discussion and in the end both sides became the proposition, as long as researchers have moral values. We're supposed to hand in CME today but we couldn't finish... Oops... I was gonna hand in my translation article but FORGOT... HOW COULD I??? Especially when I sacrificed being focused in class. :p And teacher didn't let me hand in my math ws. Waa...What kind of working must I do anyway? Aren't they standard answers...And the test on that topic was like long over...Can't blame anyone but me and time limitations. Today's Chinese lesson was on XIAO SHUO and we ALL had to bring our textbook or we would have to do LI JIE WEN DA. Obviously some people didn't bring but they had methods of solving the problem. Borrow or hide. Choose the one you like. I didn't bring bio notes AGAIN. That's cos I read the wrong time table:( Grr... Chem teacher was quite disappointed in us cos we couldn't answer her easy questions. I couldn't keep myself awake so only half the things went into my head. I never caught her questions but I'm quite good at catching answers. Thus those people who noe me, I'll always ask arnd for the question but not the answer. 
CSM's tmr and I haven't written my sakubun. They're getting harder... The people sitting arnd somehow get sky high marks though. Thur there's gonna be a frenly with HCVB and on Fri there are super loads of things going on such as LA compo, Chi compo and math test. LOL. Luckily math is only gonna be till 8510 i think? But the equations in the topic are quite tricky. Don't know what the questions would look like this Fri...
I wish i had Adam Lambert's voice range...SUPER COOL!!!


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