O.o today is FINALLY the LAST DAY!!! and so many things are OVER, such as 2.4km. Not that happy cos I was aiming for below 11min. But i guess i wasn't trying hard enough...just more than 2 sec faster and i could have reached my target...I could have sprinted the last part...but we never know...When I was on my last lap I really thought i could get 10++. Nvm at least it's over. I bet the whole class was hoping that this morning's rain could last till after bio blocks but obviously not. It's better anyway cos the rain will clean the air. Last year was TERRIBLE. I could smell all the car exhaust fumes when I went past the side of the field next to the road. LOL I CAN CRAP SO MUCH JUST ABOUT 2.4 @>$.
Some ppl from some AYG thingy came to our school so I went to the milo truck for yummy MILO. Had headache starting from IH until end of 3rd lang. 3 tests today= bio, 2.4 and 3rd lang. The cause of headache was the BLOODY SUNDAY SONG and the toxic air in the container we studied in. we only opened the windows for ventilation when there was only 15min left of class. super lame. But the 15 min could just save our lives if the air was really toxic. and anyway the headache was quite bad...:(
TMR I'm going for high jump and shot put. OH MAN REALLY GONNA GIV MY BEST!!! try to get something:)But even if I don't, at least I know I won't have regrets. Yay this year seems so fruitful right from the start. 
The only bad thing about these is that I'm gonna miss training. we only have training 2 times to 3 times a week. mon training was real match or anything:( but maybe it's good or i'll be too tired for 2.4 or thurs track competition.


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