Zao shui Zao qi

I fell asleep while studying for IH last night at around 11.30 and woke up around 6.40 in the morning. So I asked my father to send me to school or I'll be late if I took bus. Wow the traffic jam was horrible but only for like short intervals. My definition of short here is 3-5min. But there were MANY intervals after the swift part.
I couldn't finish the first question but at least I kinda finished the essay... Essays are fun to write but I can't write well... There're still 3 more to go: bio, physics and math. means 3 more weeks of exam. And we still have SPA tests. I like SPAs cos it's hands-on.
MT didn't come so we chatted about family stuff etc. Then for recess we were supposed to find the website for our math SIA but I went for makan cos people were using the comp...So now we're supposed to be in class but [haha] nobody's here except me and I'm not researching either. For BIO I forgot to bring my notes. I didn't realise there was bio today. Then MT announced to us that prac is brought forward due to Sabbats. YAY. More hands-on stuff. MT actually didn't realise I didn't bring my notes the first time she walked around but the second time she was checking our answers she caught me without notes so I had to fill in the answers for the parts of the leaf. In the end we had to play hangman cause there was only one answer that we knew:vascular bundles(veins). And it wasn't even really that we knew the answer but cause it was on one of the pages in our notes. Then for math I forgot to bring my lappy but teacher didn't say anything. Better not do it too often or she won't close one eye anymore...And finally it's lunch.
Wonder what time I'll sleep today...I should practise violin since there's not much to do tonight...I slept quite early last night and woke up later than usual so that's y i'm so energetic today:) wonder what's gonna happen during training later...I hope she lets us play match with sec 4s. Hmm then what shall sec 1s do?[o.0]
Reach home around 6.30, shower and eat till 7 then can play alr:) Or should I finish my homework then play? There's Bio, Physics and Math hw...But all long term work. Hm!Shall do it and then play violin then play... haha. There's nothing to study for anyway!


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