
Today seems like a few days merged into 1. School started with chem prac. Guess she got used to us going late all the time...Actually today's morning assembly was quite long so it felt quite rushed. Everything today went SUPER SLOWLY... I even thought recess was lunch time...but MT didn't come so I finished a few 3rd language worksheets during that free period:)
CLC was ok. Quite happy with my compo results though 5 marks were deducted cause of 'cuo bie zi'. Physics was cool. Guess I'm motivated by my grades... HAHA teddy bear! LOL AND FINALLY assembly! LOL we're late again...and I just saw a laminated piece of paper on our classroom door that says "most punctual class". LOL. And I was late once for school too. 
For CCA we had to do pt relay. I really must work on my arms. Just a few pulls and I go soft:( But our group won anyway. The next game is the 3 legged race. Sad that our string became rubbish and we lost too. Then we had to clear the gym and me and H got the privilege of using the vacuum cleaner. HEHE. But it ended up with the others while we went to play. Still can't do the cool 'shang fa' for beam so I rubbed my shoulder for nothing...:( Then we went back to cleaning...and E came:) we were playing on the tumble track then. I can't finish a 720:( SUPER LOW MAN!
YAY I finally know what to give C tmr!:) HAHA
Shucks but I wanted to go out tonight so now I have no time to...ARGH!!!


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