
The realization is pathetic.
Today was as slack as ytd...I feel like having CCA cuz I'm super high and have loads of energy to spare. But went home tgt with B and J. The energy shall be used for studying for tmr's physics test and do other homework...Teaching methods now must be really different from last time...or perhaps it's the person's individual way of learning. During LA the teacher talked to us about summary and gave us examples. I don't really like compre as compared to compo cos when the question asks for a simple answer, I give the "hidden meaning" while when the question asks for the hidden meaning, I write the answer but cancel it then write the literal answer. At least these kind of questions have around 2 points so I get 1 point most of the time. One of the points will somehow be correct...For summary I just underlined and scribbled the words to be changed all over the worksheet:)
I made "chuqianyiding" for myself. It's sticky and yummy. Instead of cabbage I just put carrot. Just too lazy to peal the small little pale green bulb then wash everything again. I only have to clean the carrot's epidermis and it's actually very clean already. Then cut cut cut and drop it into the pot. Spilled sesame oil all over my hand though cuz I didn't want to put my hands too close to the opening to get them oily so there's less control but then plat! Then I tried to crack the egg and pour the contents in with only one hand but got a small piece of shell in the pot. Got it out anyway and I USED 1 HAND:p The maggie mee came out sticky but I like it. I didn't know being sticky was a bad thing (cook for too long) until I told m. HAHA but it's nicer that way.


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