busy week

Chem test was a disaster. I forgot all about the last page...oops. I shouldn't have plucked it out. The periodic table wasn't even used... Therefore I've decided to enjoy sec 3 classes instead of muggin so hard. As long as I understand and REMEMBER. Hehe...Is that possible anyway? Ok I'm talking rot...I'm super high today and I don't know why...I just know I'm loving school more and more!!! Our newly integrated angel-mortal is kind of a bloop. Maybe cos we know one another too well already so it's really easy to guess who's who. It was actually introduced by MT and she's in it too. Aiya we should include the other teachers too. LOL I also think my mortal noes who's writing to her alr...
Yesterday was a really FUN day. I love my 3rd lang class and my 3rd lang project group. We have decided on our product name and it is "komiki doen"! L came up with the name. However next week we have a few tests: common test which is sakubun (compo) and matome quiz (chapter test). I can't remember what else there's supposed to be but it sounded like a lot when our teacher, Ms Kimiko Endo, announced our agenda for that week. [Hey, spot anything?] YES I'm glad I'm in Bishan centre. The benefits are the air-conditioned "caravans" (containers), diversified friends who are very sociable {doesn't mean they do not mug like crazy} and a teacher who is JAPANESE. There's this girl from RGS who speaks almost purely Japanese to Sensei so maybe it will influence me to be more daring.
Ok back to today, vb team went out for team dinner and I ate escargot. Oops I forgot to tell P so I'm gonna eat dinner twice...HAHA shall stuff H's face. Why does he always end school so late??? It's like 8 already... Oh my goodness gracious there's a LIZARD on the table and H just slapped its tail. I ever saw a wriggling tail of a lizard but this time the reddish-brown tail didn't come out. [LOL] :(:(:(I dunno how to do IH...
However, math is getting really really cool... Aiya everything's cool though I fail a lot...:( Eeee Y like dat??? I am totally not happy with how I'm doing now...
I never knew ppl specialise in recognising poo...Oh...she's an animal tracker. [guess what I'm watching]
I have no idea why I gave this post that title...I'm alr thinking about next year's comps...what to do? We can't kill next year...but at least have a dream of winning...like this year...GOGOGO!!! must really work on PT now when there's time...
Now I know why SOT is so fun for those I know. The teacher gave a talk during LA lecture yesterday and she was hilarious. Effective as well. There's so much content.
Lol a weird way to end and I keep jumping from yesterday to today and vice versa but...


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