Just another day

Woke up quite early to take the S's present to aitong. Then headed of to ny for gym. After two weeks of lax because of OBS CIP and COMPs, coach made us do PT=physical torture (according to A). It wasn't that tiring actually. Maybe it's the mentality that made me feel weak... I haven't really lost the feeling for the difficulties etc so yay:) The worst thing should be the stomach muscle drill. I already don't have strong stomach muscles to start with and I think this is the first time I've ever had this feeling of a numb stomach[o.0] But I know it's gonna ache a lot the next morning and will last another 2 more days. What's worse is that she made us wear weights. Though actually it wasn't that bad that it wanted to make me stop doing and slack/rest between sets. This shows that the PT is actually much more relaxing than previously but it's just that I've gotten weaker. AND comps is only a few weeks away... 
And even if I have sufficient time for what I'm doing now it doesn't mean I wanna put more time into something I'm just doing for fun. High efficiency (quality achieved in an amt of time) should be the main point. 


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