Events 'update'

This is the slackin week! OBS week for the sec 3s and camp week for the rest but we're left behind cause they had to let us do the school proud [=.=]. Well I hope we do!!!
Ytd when I brought my lap top to school and AS couldn't use it 'cause sec 1s and 2s had to mingle with their classes and anyway I couldn't get any connection with it. Yup it was kinda heavy but not as heavy compared to the week before where I had to carry all my books and stuff back home so that the sec1s or sec2s [I don't know which] can use the room for lifeskill camp. K! Again back to my bus ride, I kept wanting to switch arms to carry my bag since it put quite a lot of pressure on my one arm. So when I really couldn't take it anymore, I switched the bag to my other arm. But my hand connecting to that arm was carrying TIME, phone and wallet and TS's tray so I couldn't really control. AND I was on the bus which jerked like crazy. So yeah I still switched arms I kinda lost a little control so this man which seemed quite feminine thought my things were gonna drop so he stuck out his hands to help. But when he did so I got back my control. Lol I was facing the other way actually so I pretended not to see? Not really... I wanted to smile to thank him but don't know why I couldn't really turn my head to do that so it looked as if I ignored him ha ha. Later there was an empty seat so I grabbed it then he came forward 'cause he was about to get off. On the back of the shirt he was wearing was the word 'medicine' in what looked like medieval font to me. [0.o]{just recounting}
These few days I feel so restless but I can't really satisfyingly get my excess energy out so I'm kinda frustrated.
Actually today was kinda nice. Don't know if I learnt much but it was enjoyable. +I took a taxi with 4 other people. Twice. [O.o]
Hmm... Next monday I have training at B but I don't know how I'm gonna do that day. I haven't been to trng for such a long long time! I shall just sleep early the night before so I can prevent myself from accidents.
Talking about accidents, a teammate sprained her ankle today. I think she'll get well soon since she could still put weight on it, so that's good! The most recent sprain I had was weird. Those guys are sports men but I think they have to wear specs. The swell was so obvious though not at the usual place.. I think it swelled at a weird place cause I bandaged my feet up before training 'cause they hurt without support and I was afraid I would sprain it 'cause they felt kinda weak...Still fate let it happen.[=.=] OMG I'm writing lamely but ha ha I'm in a lame mood...or restless...or uninterested so need to add some spice of my own to my own life...


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