Double training

Mon again and again I have double training. Last week I felt stronger but this week I feel improvement for sucked today. I just can't touch the ball at the right place and my spikes were either on the tips of my fingers or on my lower arm. Was my mind trying to conserve energy for me? Nah shouldn't be 'cause I wasn't thinking about gym training. I wasn't thinking fast enough today. The guys kept hitting into the net and out but we still keep losing. I don't feel like I put any effort in at all, as in it wasn't exhausting during the matches. There were too many chances to spike properly, as in not into blocker's hands, but I still let go:( Anyway, gym training was good! I was a little scared for vault but I still could do it [haha abuden it's into the sponge pit!] On the Thurs we're gonna move to the floor! OMG! Hope nothing weird happens! Next we did floor. The FLOOR is SO hard. Luckily I was feeling quite high though I still did not do as well as I did in school. AND I didn't do 540:( It was the change of direction which made me lose my momentum to do properly [LOL NOT TRUE IT'S JUST ME AND MY EXCUSES]. I think we used too much time doing floor so she just closed one eye and let me do just 5 "yi zi luo"s. Then we went to beam. Both beams were HIGH HIGH HIGH! Nah but I guess we got used to it. NY BEAM seems higher? [Dunno:p] Just did routines [I think about 6?] I guess W planned the training really well today since we did all 4 apparatus. Bars is always weird for me but I kinda got the hang of one of the difficulties. [LOL it was the only main thing I did] Hope I don't lose it by tomorrow! All in all it was quite a satisfying training. [for vb? Nah not satisfying at all.] Actually for vb it's really easy to make myself satisfied. So long as during spiking practice I can touch the ball with my palm and not anywhere else, I'm happy:)
we're gonna watch the cute little mouse at PS at dinner time. Though my friend said although the mouse is really cute the plot isn't. [Well, according to the newspaper review. But haha OH WELL!] I'll still have a GREAT GREAT GREAT TIME! :)(:      :)(:      :)(:      :)(:
OH And I'm really satisfied with the books I borrowed last week too! 
I've just realized I'm really not thinking fast enough...These two weeks...haiz...


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