Presentation was great. FUN MAN! And A got chosen to be MC!!:) But my chinese compre is deteriorating. Also, though I can understand the stuff being taught in math lessons, I can't apply it 'cause I can't see which method to use fast enough. [=.='''] Today was PTM so F told P and M abt my attire and grades... Yes both chinese and math are sliding down the mountain but I swear it isn't 'cause of my comps. Well think, if not 'cause of that, then what?[LOL] I have to stop using the same words over and over again...K I SHALL! I think the Math part is similar to the trigonometry period so I've gotta memorize the formulas and be able to explain it instead of the other way around. The other way around is for people who want to find new formulas instead of take tests:p
Anyway I love today's dinner. I had this cheese with beef with aubergine thingy called "beef au ______" and for desert I had this warm browny thing with raspberry ice-cream on top. Obviously, I can't remember the name...Despite being sick I still can't resist temptation! AF actually made choc cupcakes for us to eat before our chapter test so today is the yummy food day! [hehe]


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