
Omg I think MT forgot about the quiz. So school became really slack...except for math. I can't get what MT was talkin about until I looked at the question again and again, which meant I missed the next part so I have to look and figure it out myself. Anyway I still couldn't so I got some help:p
Durin CC we had to think of songs for CIP, which is so much more meaningful than the previous one, but ended up not choosing any. We didn't know whether to choose the English song 'cause even though it was meaningful we weren't sure the elderly would get it lol. Even though they could appreciate the tune I was thinking it was better to choose a Chinese song. O.o but it was fun and funny translating the song into Chinese. Actually it wasn't the song but my friend who translated it. She's cooooool...(:
Training was ok... Couldn't really do anything well. Just OK. C div trained first so JL let us buy food. [yay! starvin man] C and I bought ice-cream and were afraid to show JL so we hid behind the cow on stage then 'cause we wanted to watch C div play so we hid behind the ball holder. So toot and obvious and anyway she knew long time ago then she started telling us she loves to eat ice-cream and eats 4 sticks at a time. End of training JL made C and I fang qiu but I couldn't do it=.= Now I know I should accept things...
Omg I just can't eat dinner but I stuff myself with other food. Well but I still ate and even made choc ice-cream for myself. Oh man I LOVE CHOC ICE CREAM. FREEZE UR MOUTH.


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